The People behind GEOHUM


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Lang
Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS
Schillerstraße 30
5020 Salzburg
+43 (0) 662 / 8044-7562
Senior Researcher

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barbara Schernthanner-Hofer
Role in GEOHUM: PI of RA III Img2Info

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dirk Tiede
+43 (0) 662 / 8044-7565
Role in GEOHUM: PI of RA I Img2Info

Dr. Lorenz Wendt
+43 (0) 662 / 8044-7533
Role in GEOHUM: Co-lead of RA I Img2Info, lead of WP ‘Photogrammetry’ in RA I and WP ‘Demographic mapping’ in RA II ConSense

Dr. MSc. Zahra Dabiri
+43 (0) 662 / 8044-7571
Role in GEOHUM: support of management; leading WP ‘Radar analysis’ within RA I

Dr. Getachew Workineh Gella
+43(0)662 / 8044-7544
Role in GEOHUM: working on WP ‘Hybrid AI system’ within RA I (focus on grey data for object detection) and WP ‘Legal and ethical issues’ (geoprivacy aware communication of results and sharing of geospatial data) within RA III.

Mag. Petra Füreder
+43 (0) 662 / 8044-7515
Role in GEOHUM: support of overall management, lead of WP ‘Geovisualisation and advanced cartography’ in RA III Info2Comm

Sophia Klaußner, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: PhD student in RA II ConSense, focus on understanding bias in population and land cover data sets

Leizel Gervacio De La Cruz, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: PhD student in RA II ConSense, focus on multi-hazard indicator assessment

Bruno Menini Matosak, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: PhD student in RA I Img2Info, focus on deep learning for flood mapping and dwelling extraction

Elena Nafieva, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: involved in RA I Img2Info, WP ‘Radar analysis’ (evaluation of Sentinel-1 data in the context of urban floods; SAR-based damage assessment after the earthquake in Turkey/Syria Feb 2023)

Kathrin Lunzner, MA, BA
Role in GEOHUM: currently writing Master thesis within RA I Img2Info (title ‘Testing preconditions for spatial transferability of deep learning models for dwelling extraction in refugee and IDP camps.’)

Barbara Riedler, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: research on geospatial data assimilation and the application of these methods in the field of settlement/urban structure and population estimation; geovisualisation and cartography
Interns and other temporary researchers

Mag. Petra Jenewein-Bogensperger
+43 (0) 662 / 8044-7566
Former Team members

Yunya Gao, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: worked on Hybrid AI system within RA I, mainly focused on semantic segmentation models for dwelling extraction

Linda Petutschnig, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: Co-lead of RA II ConSense, lead of the WPs 'Geospatial data assimilation toolbox' and 'Malaria mapping'

Dr. Andreas Braun
Role in GEOHUM: work package leader of Radar analysis within RA I until the end of 2021

Dr. Stefan Kienberger
Senior researcher
Role in GEOHUM: PI of RA II ConSense

B.S. Christina Zorenböhmer
Role in GEOHUM: wrote her master thesis in the context of GEOHUM investigating the implication of grey data on deep learning-based dwelling extraction.

MSc. Niklas Jaggy
Role in GEOHUM: worked on Radar analysis within RA I, where he also wrote his Master thesis 'Despeckling of SAR images for improving analysis results'

Andreas Schlagbauer, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: involved in RA II ConSense, WP 'Geospatial data assimilation toolbox' and 'Settlement / Urban structure analysis'

Polina Lemenkova, MSc
Role in GEOHUM: supported data management; worked on environmental dynamics in Africa.
- Reid Taremwa, BSc: CDG funded internship, worked on comparison of global land cover products and create land cover products
- Martin Dautriche, BSc: worked on contrast learning for buildings
- Lisah Ligono, BSc: CDG funded internship, worked on flood mapping
- Vanessa Streifeneder
- Niklas Jaggy
- Ruhi Begum
- Hannes Seigmann
- Sofía Delgado Balaguera (CDG funded internship)