Webinars and Workshops

  • EARSeL Joint virtual workshop: Earth Observation for sustainable cities and communities (30.032021 – 21.04.2021)
    Abstract:  Supporting urban sanitation management through the integration of EO-based indicators (Riedler B., Nödel J., Siber R., Andriessen N., Strande L., Lang S., 2021, in: Abstract book Earth Observation for sustainable cities and communities )
    Recording of presentation: for workshop participants

Press Reports



The 12th International Symposium on Digital Earth – GeoHumanitarian Action Forum 8th July 2021

The Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS, University of Salzburg hosted the The 12th International Symposium on Digital Earth – ISDE12 – July, 6-8 2021. This special event brought together policymakers and scientists to explore pathways towards the vision of a ‘Digital Earth’.

The GeoHumanitarian Action Forum was a special forum in this year’s ISDE and was held on Thursday, July 8th, 2021. The day’s programme brought together experts from research institutions, service providers, and humanitarian actors, to exchange about the role of geospatial technologies and Earth observation in humanitarian operations. With a mix of presentations, panel discussions, and keynotes, the forum’s interactive format gave both newcomers and experts plenty of opportunity for networking and sharing ideas.

Report – insights and take aways

See the Programme

Opening of the Christian Doppler laboratory GEOHUM (CD laboratory for geospatial and EO-based humanitarian technologies)

Date: Wednesday, 08 July 2020, 15:00 – 17:00 (18:00)
Location: Virtual (via Hopin platform, free registration, main stage)

Content and editorial responsibility
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Lang


15:00 Eröffnungsworte Vizerektorin für Forschung und Nachhaltigkeit Universität Salzburg
Nicola Hüsing
15:05 Grußworte der Bundesministerin für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort
Margarete Schramböck
15:10 Grußworte des Präsidenten der Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft
Martin Gerzabek
15:15 Bedeutung des Labors für die Region Salzburg
Landeshauptmann Wilfried Haslauer (Land Salzburg) / Walter Haas (ITG)
15:25 Introduction of the CDL: context, motivation, objectives, overview
Stefan Lang (head of the CDL)
15:45 Motivation of (relevance for) the company partner
Laura Leyser (general director of Ärzte ohne Grenzen, Médecins Sans Frontières Austria – MSF)
Audrey Lessard-Fontaine (head of GIS Unit, Médecins Sans Frontières Suisse – MSF)
16:00 Academic Keynote: “Deep learning for EO applications”
Sébastien Lefèvre, University of South Brittany
16:20 Detailed research topics of the CDL
Lorenz Wendt / Barbara Riedler / Barbara Hofer
16:40 Schlussworte

Download the Programme