Z_GIS is providing EO-based information products to MSF since 2011. These information products are mainly related to population monitoring, but also information related to environmental resouces (incl. water availability) are requested. The obtained information is used as a critical asset to better organise vaccination campaigns (against measles, cholera, yellow fever, etc.), for medical, food- and-shelter logistics, planning of vector control programs, for drilling water wells, estimates of casualties after camp attacks, as well as assessing damaged areas after floods or earthquakes.
These services were supported by Karl-Kahane foundation from 2012 – 2019.
This article describes the benefits of Earth observation for MSF. .
Brief history of the cooperation Z_GIS – MSF:
2006 – 2008: exploring new application domain
Methodological concepts for refugee camp mapping (FP-6 projects GMOSS/LIMES)
Indirect user contacts (e.g. UNHCR, etc.)
2008 – 2010: set up MSF collaboration
2008: returning MSF team member invited (‘live experience’)
2008: participation at MSF Exhibition
2010: preparation of MSF-Z_GIS MoU (Memorandum of Understanding)
2011 – ongoing: operational services
2011: starting operational services ‘Population tool’, ‘Water tool’
2012 – 2019: support from Karl-Kahane foundation
Copernicus ‘success story’ in humanitarian domain
Presented at Humanitarian congresses in Vienna, Berlin, etc. and various scientific conferences